Saturday, January 22, 2011
Dippin Dots: The Philosophy
Yesterday my co-worker looked up from her desk and said, "You know when you have a whole spoonful of Dippin' Dots and it's really satisfying, but if you just have one it's not that exciting? I just had a moment like that: it's like I just had one Dippin' Dot." She was referring to some work-related mini-triumph that resulted in an anti-climax (can I use more hyphens in this sentence?), which many of us experience daily. But it got me thinking:
Dippin Dots is so much more than just ice cream, it's a philosophy! A philosophy of satisfaction.
I see two key take-aways from la philosophie de Dippin' Dots:
1. When you really want to feel satisfaction, you have to go for it whole-heartedly, in a significant way. The go big or go home sentiment.
2. It suggests that we have to know what we really want to be satisfied. A spoonful of Dippin' Dots is satisfying because it quickly becomes the consistency of regular ice cream. Before that, it's just a unique, innovative means to an end. When we eat those little frozen orbs of dairy and sugar, what we really want is just ice cream. Good ol' fashioned, predictable ice cream. Therefore, one little Dippin' Dot, when popped into your mouth, is just a melted Dippin' Dot. In such a small quantity, it's hardly ice cream. So why beat around the bush with an ice cream wannabe? Skip it and just go for Ben & Jerrys.
....but now I'm craving Dippin' Dots. So maybe I'm full of sh*t.